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Blogs and tutorials

  1. 12 Jun 2022

    How to deploy an Astro site

    Deploy an Astro project as a static, server-rendered, or edge-rendered site, try out some Netlify templates, and learn how to deploy to Netlify.

    Tutorials 9 min read →
  2. 8 Jun 2022

    Build a business card CLI tool

    Learn how to use Node.js, npm and npx to build a CLI tool to output a business card to the terminal. Bonus demo repository included!

    Tutorials 5 min read →
  3. 29 May 2022

    Level up your link previews in Slack

    Add extra metadata to the head tag in your web pages to show richer previews in Slack when your link is unfurled.

    Tutorials 3 min read →
  4. 11 May 2022

    Light and dark mode in just 14 lines of CSS

    Combine two CSS custom properties with a media query to get set up with light and dark mode in seconds.

    CSS 3 min read →
  5. 10 May 2022

    What is Jamstack?

    Let's explore Jamstack, “Jamstack-adjacent” technologies, and how you can get started building on the Jamstack.

    Web Dev 7 min read →
  6. 26 Apr 2022

    We're all living on it. But what exactly is The Edge?

    But what is The Edge? What are Edge Functions? And why does it matter?

    Serverless 7 min read →
  7. 4 Apr 2022

    HTML is all you need to make a website

    HTML-only websites are a controversial and divisive topic. But why?

    Web Dev 3 min read →
  8. 29 Mar 2022

    How I massively improved my website performance by using the right tool for the job

    I rebuilt my website AGAIN with the aim of using as little JavaScript as possible to improve performance. Did I succeed? And what did I learn?

    Web Dev 10 min read →
  9. 21 Mar 2022

    How to format dates for RSS feeds (RFC-822)

    Here's a selection of links, guidance and code snippets to help you format dates for RSS feeds (RFC-822).

    Tutorials 2 min read →
  10. 7 Mar 2022

    How to delete all merged git branches with one terminal command

    Automate your git cleanup! Here's a shell function to add to your bashrc/zshrc file to delete all merged git branches in one command.

    Git 1 min read →
  11. 4 Mar 2022

    Why you should ship your silly side projects

    Let's take a look at what we learned building a very silly site for the Netlify Dusty Domains project in December 2021.

    Web Dev 5 min read →
  12. 1 Mar 2022

    A prototype is all you need to launch a site

    Catch up on a Twitch live stream where I prototyped Women of Jamstack with 11ty and YOLO deployed it to Netlify on a custom domain.

    Web Dev 1 min read →
  13. 22 Feb 2022

    Build a CMS preview workflow for your Jamstack site

    Learn how to preview your draft content stored in Contentful by building a custom app that builds a preview branch of your static site.

    Tutorials 10 min read →
  14. 15 Feb 2022

    How to deploy your Netlify site with an Elgato Stream Deck

    Use a little serverless function to kick off a site build with a button.

    Tutorials 4 min read →
  15. 13 Feb 2022

    How I improved your Google Lighthouse SEO score with a lot of research and one quick PR

    Why has Google Lighthouse been penalising us for canonical links on different domains? I set out to solve this conundrum once and for all.

    Web Dev 3 min read →