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Blogs and tutorials

  1. 12 Apr 2023

    Improve E-commerce Site Performance with Rendering Strategies

    Learn how to optimize UX, site performance and SEO by taking a strategic approach to how you render different pages of your e-commerce store.

    Web Dev 12 min read →
  2. 17 Mar 2023

    Make time

    I used use a week of PTO to see what tips and tricks I could experiment with to try and fix my life. Here’s how it went.

    Off-Topic 6 min read →
  3. 6 Jan 2023

    How do I get started in web development?

    Asking “How do I get started with web dev?” is like asking “How do I get started with cooking?”

    Web Dev 1 min read →
  4. 3 Jan 2023

    2022: what I made, what I learned, and what I didn't do

    Let's take a look back at 2022: what I made, what I learned — both professionally and personally — and what I didn't get around to.

    Off-Topic 9 min read →
  5. 12 Dec 2022

    How to get the user’s timezone in JavaScript with Edge Functions

    You don‘t need client-side JavaScript to localize dates and times according to timezone — use timezone data in Netlify Edge Functions.

    Tutorials 4 min read →
  6. 22 Nov 2022

    A responsive striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes

    Create a responsive, horizontal-striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes using CSS custom properties and a linear gradient.

    CSS 3 min read →
  7. 15 Nov 2022

    Single-page applications, multi-page applications, the history of Twitter tech, and a failed project

    After I changed my mind about writing new JavaScript frameworks, I paused development on a new project, What the Framework (WTF). Here's why.

    Web Dev 8 min read →
  8. 25 Oct 2022

    Personalize your static site based on a previous site referral

    Learn how to use Netlify Edge Functions to personalize static HTML pages based on the HTTP referer header.

    Tutorials 10 min read →
  9. 3 Oct 2022

    I changed my mind about writing new JavaScript frameworks

    Maybe you should write a new JavaScript framework. And here’s why.

    JavaScript 4 min read →
  10. 5 Sep 2022

    Rewrite your git history in 4 friendly commands

    Did you make a series of unfortunate commits? Learn how to clean up your nonsense.

    Git 4 min read →
  11. 31 Aug 2022

    What's the difference between : and :: in CSS?

    I spent years Googling this question before the information stayed in my brain. Sound familiar? Then this post is for you.

    CSS 3 min read →
  12. 24 Aug 2022

    Rewrite HTML and transform page props in Next.js with Next.js Advanced Middleware

    Learn how to use Next.js Advanced Middleware from Netlify.

    Tutorials 7 min read →
  13. 11 Aug 2022

    Add personalization to static HTML with Netlify Edge Functions — no browser JavaScript required

    Check out the video tutorial and accompanying walk-through.

    Tutorials 8 min read →
  14. 24 Jul 2022

    How to view Google Lighthouse scores for your site in Netlify

    Install the integration. Check your scores. Profit.

    Tutorials 2 min read →
  15. 22 Jun 2022

    Should I write a new JavaScript framework?

    Do you often ask yourself, should I write a new JavaScript framework? Here's some things you should consider, and some tips to get you started.

    JavaScript 1 min read →