Blogs and tutorials
4 Aug 2021
A Next.js complete beginner tutorial using the Spotify API
I'm joined by Ebonie (metalandcoffee_) where we set up a new Next.js and Spotify API project to curate music recommendations.
11 Jul 2021
How to avoid using relative path imports in Next.js
Say goodbye to ../really/long/and/silly/paths/to/components in your Next.js application and define absolute imports with a jsconfig.json file.
8 Jul 2021
How I set up my new Next.js projects with a handy bash script
After I create a new Next.js application I run this bash script to prepare my app for development — just the way I like it. Give it a try!
1 Jul 2021
How to add Algolia InstantSearch to your Next.js application
Every content website needs a search box.
14 Jun 2021
How to filter entries by linked references in GraphQL
Check out this quick guide that shows you how to get the data you need using the linkedFrom field in your query.
27 May 2021
How to use GitHub actions and Contentful webhooks to show your latest blog posts on your GitHub README
Want to show your latest blog posts on your GitHub README? Here's how I do it using the power of GitHub actions and webhooks in Contentful.
16 May 2021
How to make your font sizes accessible with CSS
Here's how to make sure your website respects font size preferences specified in browser settings using two important CSS concepts.
10 May 2021
What is BEM in CSS?
Did you change CSS somewhere and something unexpected happened somewhere else? I have the solution for you.
3 May 2021
When to use aria-labels in your HTML
This is one of the most important ways to use aria-labels so your code provides contextual information to screen-readers and assistive tech.
22 Apr 2021
Paginating your Contentful blog posts in Next.js with the GraphQL API
In this post, we’re going to build a set of article list pages that display a number of blog post summaries per page.
13 Apr 2021
Rendering linked assets and entries in the Contentful Rich Text field
Take a deep dive into rendering linked assets and entries in the Contentful Rich Text field using both the REST and GraphQL APIs.
13 Apr 2021
Exploring linked entries and assets in Contentful with JavaScript via REST and GraphQL
An investigation into the inner workings of the Contentful REST API and GraphQL API.
10 Apr 2021
How to build, test and release a node module in ES6
If you Google "build test release npm module" this is the top result. Cool, huh?
17 Mar 2021
3 ways to use Puppeteer and Node.js to screenshot web pages and generate Open Graph images for socials
Take screenshots of browser pages and generate dynamic images to share on your social media accounts.
13 Mar 2021
My Twitch live coding setup in OBS
I often receive questions about how I set up OBS to stream live coding on Twitch — so let’s take a look!