Activity feed
26 Jan 2023
Twitter Space: Owning your own corner of the internet
I join Kelvin Omereshone to talk about why having your own website is the coolest thing you can do on the internet, today.
26 Jan 2023
We actually need more JavaScript frameworks
Join me as I share my weird and winding journey through the JavaScript framework landscape.
23 Jan 2023
My website don't swizzle swizzle — Twitch channel trailer 2023
Another Twitch clip mashup is here.
6 Jan 2023
How do I get started in web development?
Asking “How do I get started with web dev?” is like asking “How do I get started with cooking?”
3 Jan 2023
2022: what I made, what I learned, and what I didn't do
Let's take a look back at 2022: what I made, what I learned — both professionally and personally — and what I didn't get around to.
16 Dec 2022
Front End Horse Holiday Snowtacular 2022
Join us for a holiday fundraiser live stream with 12 wonderful guests, each discussing a different topic! We'll be learning about web dev while raising $20,000 for Doctors without Borders!
12 Dec 2022
How to get the user’s timezone in JavaScript with Edge Functions
You don‘t need client-side JavaScript to localize dates and times according to timezone — use timezone data in Netlify Edge Functions.
30 Nov 2022
The Dev Morning Show (at night)
22 Nov 2022
A responsive striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes
Create a responsive, horizontal-striped CSS gradient inspired by 80s VHS tapes using CSS custom properties and a linear gradient.
18 Nov 2022
The JAMstack | Headless WP Podcast
I joined Jeff and Fran of WP Engine to chat about the state of the JAMstack ecosystem, tech blogging, and more.
15 Nov 2022
Single-page applications, multi-page applications, the history of Twitter tech, and a failed project
After I changed my mind about writing new JavaScript frameworks, I paused development on a new project, What the Framework (WTF). Here's why.
31 Oct 2022
Can you personalize a static website?
Encourage people to share your posts on Twitter... if they found them on Twitter, using Netlify Edge Functions, the HTTP referer header and HTMLRewriter.