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Activity feed

  1. 11 Oct 2023

    Using hooks to monitor and error track with Sentry when self-hosting Directus

    Learn how to set up Sentry monitoring and error tracking for your self-hosted Directus project by building custom hooks.

  2. 28 Sep 2023

    How to use jQuery with Astro

    Understanding how to use jQuery in an Astro project was hard to Google. So I wrote my own guide for you and my future self.

  3. 21 Sep 2023

    From LCP to CLS: Improve your Core Web Vitals with Image Loading Best Practices

    Learn all about image lazy loading and how it can help improve performance, UX and core web vitals.

  4. 6 Sep 2023

    Thoughts on AI Coding Tools - (Chat GPT, Co-Pilot, Whisper) - Live Q&A

    My friend Erin wanted some opinions on generative AI coding tools. So I went live on Twitch to have a chat.

  5. 23 Aug 2023

    Fireside chat with VoxGig

    I sat down with Richard Rodger to discuss live streaming on Twitch, building community, and learning in public.

  6. 16 Jul 2023

    5 reasons you should hire me as your next developer experience engineer

    I’m excited to be looking for my next role as a Developer Experience Engineer. Here are five reasons why you should hire me.

  7. 13 Jul 2023

    Can ChatGPT build a WEBSITE?

    I tried using ChatGPT to create websites and here's what happened.

  8. 25 Jun 2023

    How I deploy my website using my Apple Watch

    TL:DR; a serverless function and build hook on Netlify, and an Apple Shortcut.

  9. 19 Jun 2023

    The best light/dark mode theme toggle in JavaScript

    Learn how to build The Ultimate Theme Toggle™️ for your website using JavaScript, CSS custom properties, local storage and system settings.

  10. 15 Jun 2023

    TechMids: Fake it, don't make it. How serverless can level up your front end game and unlock your full stack potential

    Learn how serverless and edge runtimes are empowering front end devs to be more productive, and how we can leverage this to do amazing things.

  11. 31 May 2023

    How I got my first dev job (in 2014)

    I've told this story a million times, and now I've immortalised it on YouTube.

  12. 18 May 2023

    A/B test CMS authored content with Netlify Edge Functions

    Learn how to run an A/B test using content from your CMS and Netlify Edge Functions.
